Is Mike Israetel Vegan?

Is Mike Israetel Vegan? His Diet & Views Explained

Dr. Mike Israetel is not vegan. He eats meat like ground beef, turkey, and chicken. However, he does not dislike vegan diets. He says that eating only plant-based food can be healthy, but it depends on what you eat. Today, there are many vegan junk foods, so being vegan does not always mean eating healthy….

Top 10 Mike Israetel Podcasts summary

10 Best Dr. Mike Israetel Podcasts (You Shouldn’t Miss)

Everyone gets excited whenever they know their favorite actors perform their own stunts, especially when I’m talking about Tom Cruise. But it doesn’t come without years of disciplined training, calculated risks, expert guidance, and, most importantly, fitness.  Remember, there are no free lunches, no shortcuts, or overnight transformations, only science-backed strategies and consistent efforts can…

Dr Mike Israetel Home Picture

Where Does Mike Israetel live?

Mike Israetel, a PhD sports psychologist and fitness expert, was born in Moscow, Russia, on May 30, 1984. He spent the first seven years of his life in Russia, and in 1991, he moved to the USA and settled here. People often ask where does Dr. Mike Israetel lives? or where is Dr. Mike Israetel…

Mike Israetel YouTube Channels

Mike Israetel YouTube (Personal & RP)

Dr. Mike Israetel is a well-known exercise scientist and professor who co-founded Renaissance Periodization, a company that offers science-based fitness coaching. He has a Ph.D. in Sport Physiology and is experienced in bodybuilding and strength training. For more details visit the home page of this website. Dr. Mike Israetel runs two YouTube channels: one is…

RP Team

RP Team: (5 Members and 19 Coaches)

Renaissance Periodization (RP) is a fitness company that provides science-based training for bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strength sports. It offers expert coaching, customized workout plans, and evidence-based diet programs to help individuals achieve their fitness goals. The company was started in 2012 by two people, Dr. Mike Israetel and Nick Shaw. Over time, others joined the…

Nick Shaw RP Biography

Nick Shaw Biography – Business Partner of Mike Israetel

Nick Shaw also known as Nicholas Shaw the co-founder of Renaissance Periodization (RP), has changed the way people think about fitness and nutrition by using science. He is an entrepreneur, bodybuilder, and author who inspires many people around the world to reach their health and fitness goals. Before reading the article, please note that all…

8 Important Dr. Mike Israetel Credentials and Achievements

8 Important Dr. Mike Israetel Credentials & Achievements

Mike Israetel, also known as Michael Israetel or Dr. Mike Israetel, was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1984. At the age of 7, in 1991, he moved to the United States and settled there. In the U.S., he earned a Ph.D. in Sport Physiology from East Tennessee State University and has since specialized in health…

Mike Israetel Hypertrophy Training MV, MEV, MAV, MRV Concept

Dr. Mike Israetel MV, MEV, MAV, MRV Explained

The concept of Hypertrophy Training was introduced by Dr. Mike Israetel, an exercise scientist and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization. He began discussing this training volume landmarks around 2017. In January 2017, Dr. Mike Israetel published an article on RP Strength where he discussed these 4 types of Hypertrophy Training. 1. MV = Maintenance Volume Example…