Dr. Mike Israetel wife Dr. Christle Guevarra

Dr. Christle Guevarra Biography, Wife of Dr. Mike Israetel

Dr. Mike Israetel wife, Dr. Christle Guevarra, is highly skilled in the health and fitness fields, specializing in Family Medicine, Sports Medicine, Obesity Medicine, Nutrition, and former powerlifting champion. Her husband, Mike Israetel, is also a well-known fitness expert and the co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, a company focused on health and nutrition. The couple helps…

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Mike Israetel Principles and Rules

Dr. Mike Israetel holds a PhD in sports physiology and is a bodybuilder, nutrition coach, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial artist, and an expert in strength training and fitness. Over the years, he has built a reputation for his science-based approach to fitness and business. As the co-founder of Renaissance Periodization (RP Strength), Mike has helped many…