Michael Israetel also known as Known as Dr Mike Israetel and Mike Israetel

Dr. Mike Israetel

Dr Mike IsraetelInformation
Born30 May 1984 (Age 40) Moscow, Russia
Height5ft 6inches (1.68 m)
Weight237lbs (107.5 KG) in Oct 2024
Place of BirthMoscow, Russia
Current ResidenceDetroit, Michigan, USA
FamilyMarried to Dr. Christle Guevarra (May 17, 2018)
CompanyRenaissance Periodization (@RPStrength)
RP Channel@RenaissancePeriodization (3.2M+ Subscriber)
Dr Mike Isratel and Dr Christle Guevarra

Dr. Christle Guevarra Wife of Dr. Mike Israetel

Mike Israetel wife is Christle Guevarra. They were married on May 17, 2018, and now live in Michigan, United States. She is specializing in Family Medicine, Sports Medicine, Obesity Medicine, Nutrition, former powerlifting champion and Production Operations Manager at RP Strength.

Mike Israetel net worth & Income Sources

Mike Israetel net worth is more than 6 million US dollars in 2025, and his yearly income is around 2 million US dollars. His 8 main income sources are:

  1. RP Company
  2. Books
  3. Teaching at Lehman College
  4. YouTube
  5. BJJ Coaching
  6. Bodybuilding and Powerlifting
  7. Seminars and Workshops
  8. Social media Influencer
Dr Mike Israetel Networth and incomes
Dr Mike Israetel Networth and incomes

Mike Israetel net worth & Income Sources

Mike Israetel net worth is more than 6 million US dollars in 2025, and his yearly income is around 2 million US dollars. His 8 main income sources are:

  1. RP Company
  2. Books
  3. Teaching at Lehman College
  4. YouTube
  5. BJJ Coaching
  6. Bodybuilding and Powerlifting
  7. Seminars and Workshops
  8. Social media Influencer
nick shaw and mike israetel CEOs of RP

Renaissance Periodization (RP)

Renaissance Periodization (RP) was founded in 2012 by Dr. Mike Israetel and Nick Shaw. It gained popularity in 2018 and now has over 3 million YouTube subscribers, sharing science-based nutrition and fitness advice. RP offers the “RP Strength” app, which helps users lose fat, build muscle, and access 1:1 coaching with personalized diet plans and workout tracking.

Dr Mike Israetel Early Life and Education

Mike Israetel or Michael Israetel was born in Moscow, Russia, on May 30, 1984. However, after seven years, on June 5, 1991, he moved to the USA with his family, including his sister, where he spent his childhood.

Later he attended the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor to complete his undergraduate degree. After that, he earned a master’s degree in exercise science from Appalachian State University and completed his Ph.D. in sports physiology from East Tennessee State University (ETSU) in Johnson City, USA.

Today, he is an expert in health, fitness, and bodybuilding, helping athletes from all over the world, which is why people call him Dr. Mike Israetel.

Dr Mike Israetel Age height and weight

Mike Israetel
Age, Height, and Weight

Mike Israetel is 40years old, height is 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 m), and weight is 237lbs (107.5 KG) learn more.

Mike Israetel Credentials


Mike Israetel competed in NPC bodybuilding from 2013 to 2024. In July 2024, he retired to focus on BJJ coaching, RP, and more. For details, check our article here.


Dr. Mike Israetel is a social media influencer, mostly active on Instagram and his two YouTube channels, where he shares fitness-related content.


Mike Israetel runs two YouTube channels. One is his company channel, RenaissancePeriodization, with over 3.2M subscribers and 2.7K+ videos. The second is his personal channel, MikeIsraetelMakingProgress, with over 136K subscribers and 124+ videos. Learn more.


From high school until 2007, Mike Israetel participated in weightlifting and powerlifting.

BJJ athlete

Mike Israetel began brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) in 2012 but complete focusing on it in 2018. He earned his black belt under Josh Vogel on November 17, 2024, at The Jiu-Jitsu Company. For more details, check our article here.


Dr. Mike Israetel writes about health, fitness, and nutrition, with over 20 books and many articles on diet and muscle growth learn more about Mike Israetel Books.

Dr Mike Israetel Popular Blogs

Dr. Mike Israetel Currently Life

Dr Mike Israetel With Hair

Currently, Dr. Mike Israetel lives in Detroit, Michigan, United States. He helps people with fitness at Renaissance Periodization (RPstrength) and practices Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu sports. For more details on where Dr. Mike Israetel lives, you can visit this link.

As of 21 March 2025, Dr. Mike Israetel and his wife, Dr. Christle Guevarra, visited New York, USA, to enjoy life.