Welcome to drmikeisratel.com! Before using our website, please read this disclaimer carefully.
Accuracy and Verification of Information
All the articles on this website about Dr. Mike Israetel, such as his age, height, weight, and date of birth, are based on verified sources. We gather information from Dr. Mike Israetel’s official YouTube channel, Instagram profile, his company Renaissance Periodization’s website and YouTube channel, and his podcasts available on the internet.
We ensure accuracy by conducting thorough research and, in most cases, providing sources at the end of the articles. However, we are human, so we may make mistakes. If you find any mistakes, please feel free to comment on the post or contact us, and we will correct them as soon as possible.
External Links
Our website may contain links to third-party websites. Currently, we do not use any affiliate links, and we are not responsible for the content or policies of these external sites. If you visit any third-party website through our links, please review their terms and privacy policies before sharing any personal information.
Health and Fitness Content
Dr. Mike Israetel is a well-known bodybuilder and doctor who shares valuable tips on bodybuilding and fitness. Most of the articles on our website are about him, but he also talks about health and fitness, so we cover those topics as well. We provide sources for all health-related content, but we recommend verifying the information before making any important decisions based on our articles.
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