Mike Israetel Age, Height and Weight (With Sources)
Mike Israetel also known as Dr. Mike Israetel or Michael Israetel was born on May 30, 1984, in Moscow, Russia. Currently, Mike Israetel age is 40 years. On May 30, 2025, he will turn 41 years old.
Some people think that May 30 is not the exact date of birth of Mike Israetel. However, this is clear and confirmed because he posted on his Instagram profile where he stated: “May 30th was my birthday.”
You can see this in the image below:
Now, coming to the exact year of birth, it is clear that Mike Israetel was born in 1984. Based on his Instagram profile, he mentioned that he spent seven years of his childhood in Russia (USSR) before moving to the USA in 1991. This makes it 100% clear that he was born in 1984. Below is a picture of the mike Israetel Instagram post where he shared this information:
Mike Israetel Weight:
Mike Israetel weight is 237.6 lbs/Pounds (107.5 kg). The source is shown in the image below.
Mike Israetel Height:
Mike Israetel, also known as Dr. Mike Israetel or Michael Israetel, is 5 feet 6 inches tall (1.68m). This is the correct height, as he posted it clearly on his Instagram profile, as shown in the image below.
How Old is Dr. Mike Israetel (RP)?
Dr. Mike Israetel is 41Years old.
How Tall is Mike Israetel?
Mike Israetel is 5 feet 6 inches tall (1.68m).
How Much Weight of Dr. Mike Israetel Bodybuilder?
Mike Israetel weight is 237.6 pounds (107.5 kg).
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If you want to know more about Mike Israetel check the home page of this website by clicking here on Drmikeisraetel.com